Home Projecten Workshops 'Dance as ICH'

Workshops 'Dance as ICH'

With the Creative Europe project 'Dance as ICH', we aim to find new ways to facilitate dance as intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and what the relationship is between dance communities, museums, heritage institutions and the public.

CEMPER is the first partner to organise a series of workshops in Mechelen, from Monday 30 January 2023 to Wednesday 1 February 2023.

Boombalfestival 2021

The workshops are open to the public. Everyone involved with dance, intangible heritage and/​or museums is welcome to join one or more workshops. Registrations are closed.

Register fee

  • 20 euros for one workshop day;
  • 50 euros for three workshop days;
  • free entrance to the Boombal.

The keynote on Tuesday 31 Janurary can also be followed online for free.

Day 1: Monday 30 January 2023

The first day starts with an introduction to the key concepts of the UNESCO 2003 convention by Marc Jacobs (University of Antwerp) and Jorijn Neyrinck (Werkplaats Immaterieel Erfgoed). Egil Bakka (Norwegian University) will talk about dance as intangible cultural heritage. After a lunch break, several organisations that support dancing in Flanders will present their work, these include CEMPER, Danspunt, Boombal, the Institute for Flemish Folk Art and Muziekpublique.


  • 09:3010:00 welcome and registration;
  • 10:0012:40 morning session: Introduction to ICH;
  • 13:4016:30 afternoon session: How is dance (as ICH or otherwise) supported in Belgium?

Location: Zaal Mandela, Het Predikheren, Goswin de Stassartstraat 88, 2800 Mechelen.

Day 2: Tuesday 31 January 2023

During day two, we will investigate the relationship between museums and heritage communities. Several project partners will share inspiring examples about collaborations between museums and dance communities. In a roundtable discussion with dancers from Flanders, the heritage communities will be heard in a reflection about the challenges and opportunities that arise if their art would be practiced in a museum context. The workshop finishes with keynote speaker Kurt Grötsch, director of the Flamenco museum in Sevilla; a leading example of how museums can play a role in safeguarding intangible heritage. At the end of this second day, we would like to welcome you at CEMPER for a reception with tapas buffet.


  • 09:3010:00 welcome and registration;
  • 10:0012:30 morning session: Inspiring examples of museums and dance/​ICH;
  • 13:3016:30 afternoon session: Panel with heritage communities and keynote webinar (keynote also available online);
  • 17:30 — 18:30 reception with tapas buffet.

Location workshops: Zaal Mandela, Het Predikheren, Goswin de Stassartstraat 88, 2800 Mechelen.

Location reception: CEMPER, Onder-Den-Toren 12, 2800 Mechelen.

Day 3: Wednesday 1 February 2023

For the last day of the workshops, Kia Tsakiridis (Werkplaats Immaterieel Erfgoed) will talk about the Intangible Cultural Heritage & Museums Project from 2017 – 2020. The project and the methodological toolkit resulting from that Creative Europe project, provide interesting insights for the current project on dance as intangible heritage. After a lunch break, we will put this theory into practice through some exercises based on the toolkit as a means of having a first brainstorm about dance as intangible heritage in museums. The workshop series is closed with a Boombal Intiem, a bal folk on a small scale with an initiation and dance evening.


  • 09:3010:00 welcome and registration;
  • 10:0012:30 morning session: ICH and Museums Project;
  • 13:3016:30 afternoon session: Working with the IMP Toolbox;
  • 19:30 — 23:30 Boombal Intiem:

Location workshops: CCM – Kerk, Cultuurcentrum Mechelen, Minderbroedersgang 5, 2800 Mechelen.

Location Boombal: De Loods, Douaneplein, 2800 Mechelen

    This project is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.